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Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have been thinking about family.  I think how some people have no family at all.  No brothers, sisters, mother or farther, aunts or uncles left.  They have friends.  They may even have children of thier own, but no one who knows there history. 
I have five brothers and sisters.  Growing up I thought how awful that was.  Six kids. Yuck I though to myself.  Funny how time (age) changes the way you feel.  I used to think, and I am sure many before have also thought, if only I could have had a different family.   We think, maybe I could have been this or done that.  Maybe I would have a better life.  But we don't get to pick a different family.
Now I think how lucky I was.  With 5 brothers and sisters, I could be mad and not speaking to two or three and still have two or three to spare.  I have people who know where I came from and five different perspectives on my early years.  Five people I could share my grief with when my father passed away. 
And whatever I am feeling or going through out of the five there is usually one that either unerstands, or at least can be there to help me through it.  Each of us has drastically different lives.  And ofter we think the choices that the other made don't make sense.  I would have done (did) things different than they did.  And they would have done (did) things different than I.  But I am blessed by the fact that if anything bad happens, differances will be put aside, if only for a short time, and they will be there to help me through. 
So today, my heart goes out to the people that don't have that.  To the people who feel alone during times of strife and sadness.  I pray or them to find someone who can feel the void.  And I thank God that I don't have to.  So to my family who will probably never read this, thank you for all the times you have been there.  And thank for all the times that you will be there.  God Bless you for who are.

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