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Saturday, July 30, 2011


I think of myself as a resonably intelligent person.  I have for the most part pretty good will power.  But the one thing I want to do most, I seem unable to do.  I WANT TO QUIT SMOKING.  I know my overall health would improve drastically.  I know I would save hundreds of dollars a year.  I know I would add years to my life.  These are all positive things.  And yet I can't seem to kick it!!!  I don't want to take medications.  I have tried the patch and gum and they did not work.  (I kept smoking with both).  I went to quit and the website said the success rate for do it yourself was only 9 to 13 percent.  I want to be part of that percentage.  I have quit other addictive things in my life.  People, habits, substances.  Why can't I do this.  I know nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs around.  More so than heroin.  So, I am looking for any advice I can get.  I think of what I could do with the extra money.  I think of were I could go with the increased good health.  So if anyone has any advice I am more than willing to listen!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Keep your motivation on your mind at all times.

    -The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.

  3. Do it do it do it do it do it.

    Check out my number blog.
