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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mark Whittington is an idiot

This is my response to the article that follows it.
You are an idiot.  Maybe if we have an oil crisis this summer people will realize that it is about time to find alternatives.  If I was wavering on weather to vote AGAIN for President Obama, his refusal to allow the pipeline will decide it for me.  I will definatley vote FOR the president.  Get your hands out of the sand (maybe your eyes are blurred by the oil in the sand).  We live on a planet with finite resources and we better find some alternatives now before we run out.  Or don't you care about the people who come after we are gone. Thats what it sound like to me.  GO OBAMA YOU HAVE MY VOTE

Brazil Stiffs Obama on Oil Deal, Exposing President's Incompetence

COMMENTARY | President Barack Obama has suffered the second embarrassment over oil imports within the space of a week. Brazil, whose offshore deposits of oil were sought by the Obama administration, has signed contracts with China for the product.
According to the Washington Times, Brazilian offshore crude may number about 38 billion barrels. Obama went to Brazil last month to put in a bid for the oil, offering loans and other support to develop the oil in an "environmentally responsible matter," The Hill reported at the time. Republicans criticized that initiative, pointing out Obama has placed roadblocks in the way of domestic development of oil and gas reserves.
Brazil's decision comes on the heels of Obama's refusal to permit the building of the Keystone XL pipeline to bring oil from Canada's tar sands in Alberta to Texas oil refineries, according to the Los Angeles Times. The decision was criticized by Republicans as well as union officials who point out that 20,000 jobs the pipeline would bring would therefore not be created.
Obama's policy in regard to oil and gas has been a study in incompetence driven by an ideological mania against hydrocarbon fuel in favor of more politically correct forms of energy production. This has not only led to what amounts to a campaign against oil and gas production in the U.S., but embarrassing scandals such as Solyndra, brought on by unwise federal loan guarantees to dubious green energy companies.
This is occurring at a time when Iran is threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz through which much of the world's oil passes from Persian Gulf fields. The very threat has led to a spike in the price of oil and of gasoline.
Unfortunately, Obama shows no sign of learning from his mistakes. A responsible president would move quickly to exploit more accessible sources of oil, lifting restrictions on domestic production and quickly signing off on the pipeline deal with Canada, an American ally. Obama, however, is doing neither of these things.
A new energy crisis this summer, brought on by turmoil in the Middle East, is not outside the realm of possibility. The bad news is Americans will suffer, just as they did in 1973 and 1979. The good news is Americans are likely to make their ire known at the polls in the fall. But it months of turmoil and agony lay ahead until then.


  1. Mark Whittington is an idiot. Agreed.

  2. Whittington is an idiot. A BIG IDIOT !
